
This website has a very broad focus on history and science for kids. It covers a seemingly unlimited amount of information, from international history to the sciences of biology, chemistry, and physics. Kidipede also includes a detailed history of music, starting all the way from the beginning: 3100 BC. The language is simplified so that any interested child can learn about ancient Egyptian, African, Greek, and Chinese music. Additionally, the site always produces related pages on its sidebar, so that one could keep learning about music (or any other subject) even further. A few article pages look like works in progress with to-be-filled links and lists, signifying that there will be even more lessons and material to come in the future as the site expands.

The site itself has numerious cool interactive “flip card” animations on various links. The animation is very smooth and eye-catching, and triggered when the mouse hovers over it. On the front of the card is an intriguing question, such as “Who was the first woman pharaoh?” Once flipped, it reveals an image related to the answer of the question and becomes a clickable link. In a Wikipedia-esque manner, many keywords are highlighted and hyperlinked in every article for further learning and understanding on other pages. There are also many other card questions on the sidebar, leaving the visitor with unlimited access to all areas of information. The knowledge on Kidipede is completely free, but there is a $15 subscription available to remove the advertisements.

by Olivia Lin