January 2022
Noteworthy Music Sites
FunTrivia: The Trivia Portal
Looking for some music fun on the Web? Play quirky music quizzes on the Funtrivia site. The quizzes are written by members of the site (registration is free and easy), so the result is a small community of online quiz-makers. There are literally thousands of quizzes from which to choose, so one can test his or her trivia knowledge on favorite groups, and even test ones’ knowledge of musicians. And the games in which one can match lyrics with the artists that who sang them are both addictive and time-consuming.
World Music
An excellent resource where one can “Travel the world with artists from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, South America, the Caribbean, and Europe.” The site also informs about diverse musical instruments such as a range of musical traditions and according to the lead page there are “recommendations on artists, songs, and albums.” And that makes this site informative and at the same time educational.
Clicking for Music
This site is for anybody who understands that music is a form of expression so diverse that it can’t be forced into four to six categories. Click on Rock and one will find an entire page of rock music categories one may not even have known existed as well as examples of each type. If one ever heard a name of an artist and wanted to hear some samples, this may be a good place to start, because one could not only listen to their music, but also find them among a list of similar artists.
Music From China
Music From China (MFC) is a New York-based ensemble that performs new and traditional Chinese arrangements with such instruments as lutes, plucked zithers, bamboo flutes, reeded mouth organs, and hammer dulcimers. MFC Web site has quick, efficient facts about the group, their style, some contact info and some pictures make up the bulk of the site’s information. Sadly, there are no links to sites with further info on the group, which is a shame because the descriptions of MFC are quite enticing. Also, some audio samples would be nice.
by Jeff Sellers, Marie Meyers, and Gabrielle Burns